We are members of the Society of Saint Francis, an Anglican Franciscan community. We live under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Home Page - Franciscans
‘The object of the First Order is to build up a body of men and women who, accepting Christ as their Lord and Master, will seek to follow him in the way of renunciation and sacrifice as an act of witness and for the loving service of his brothers and sisters in the world’
- SSF Principles: Day 2
As followers of Jesus in the way of Francis, we hope:
At Alnmouth friary the brothers welcome people from all walks of life, who come to the friary for a time of retreat and renewal. Alongside a life of prayer the Brothers undertake the day to day work of maintaining the friary. This involves dusting, sweeping and other menial tasks in the house and garden. There is also the administration work involved in the day to day running of the friary.
Alnmouth Friary, formally 'Lint Close' was built between 1902 and 1916 by the Scholefield family. In the early 1950s Lint Close was sold and became a night club, which was called 'The Lint Close Hotel.'
The Knott Trust bought Lint Close and the friary opened in 1961.
The word Friar means 'Brother' so a Friary is a place where Brothers live together. Since 1961 until today Franciscan Brothers have been living and praying together in this place.
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We, as Brothers, together commit ourselves to a Rule of Life as a detailed expression of how we intend to pursue our calling as Franciscans. It acts as a framework for our life of prayer, sacred study and works by which we seek to serve our Lord and Master. We welcome the challenge of the Rule as a means by which we may be more fully converted by God, acting in harmony with God's will, and enabled to live with integrity as members of the worldwide Franciscan family.
In a spirit of humility, love and joy we pledge ourselves to follow the teaching and footprints of our Lord Jesus Christ and to observe the Holy Gospel according to the example of Saint Francis. May the Lord fill us with gladness in keeping this Rule, our Way of Life, that we may give thanks to God for ever.
The Companions of the Society of Saint Francis are men and women who, in the course of their Christian journey, have met or heard of the Sisters and Brothers, and have a desire to accompany them in the way of Christian commitment.
You can be received as a Companion at the friary. Email: companions@franciscans.org.uk
Visit the Companions Facebook page:
Francis himself founded the Third Order for people ‘living in their own homes’ (Francis’ words), as opposed to living in a friary or convent, who wished to live according to a Franciscan Rule of Life, without becoming members of the First Order.
Home - European Province of the TSSF : European Province of the TSSF
The Community of Saint Clare is a contemplative community of women within the Anglican Franciscan family
Community of St Clare, Freeland | An Anglican Contemplative Community | Page 2 (wordpress.com)
Prayer used by the Brothers
Every day at 4.30pm the brothers and guests meet for a cup of tea, biscuits and a chat. This is an open invite. Visitors to Alnmouth village often pop by to say 'hello'. The tea time is a nice space for guests and brothers to talk about their day. Guests often tell everyone where they have been for a walk or what book they have been reading. It's a nice space for guests to meet each other, and for everyone to socialise.
The Alnmouth Brothers
Come and stay with us for prayer, retreat, study, a break away from usual routine, to share something of our Franciscan life together.
You can get a train to Alnmouth. We are a 23 minute walk away from the train station. There is a bus once an hour. Locals taxis are also available but you need to book in advance.
The Friary, Alnmouth, Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 3NJ
Telephone: 01665 830213 Email: alnmouthssf@franciscans.org.uk
Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with the life of the friary. The Facebook group is for the Community and Society of Saint Francis
The Brothers are based in several countries. Explore the Youtube channel to meet see what happens in the different friaries:
We are a small group of carers who are caring for family members at home with Alzheimer's. We meet together to talk honestly and openly about our situation. We are an informal support group that meets over a cup of tea and biscuits. Everyone is welcome.
You can ring the Friary on: 01665 830213
The Bible Study meets at 3.30pm on Fridays. This is led by local people and is open to everyone. Each week we read through a chapter from the Bible and discuss it.
At 4.30pm the group goes to the 'tea time' with the brothers and residential guests staying at the friary for tea and cake.
At 5pm you are welcome to join us for Evening Prayer. This finishes by 5.30pm.
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